Bersaglieri History
Our Society is named for the Bersaglieri (Sharpshooters) formed on 18 June 1836 by General Alessandro La Morma as a special military unit of the Kingdom of Sardinia Army, later the Royal Italian Army. They were and remain to this day a highly mobile light infantry unit which is still distinguished by the black capercaillie feathers flowing from their wide brimmed black hats.
The Societa Italiana Di Mutuo Scoccorso Compagnia Bersaglieri No. 2 (Italian Mutual Rescue Society of the Company of Sharpshooters No. 2) was organized on the 15th day of November 1885 in Stockton, CA and was incorporated the 11th day of August 1888 after being merged with Compagnia die Bersaglieri Italiana, organized the 18th day of February 1877. Although there was another Society, “No. 1” which no longer exists, our Society remains “No. 2”.
Our Society was originally formed to provide comfort and assistance to members and the families of members. This was the primary function through the later part of the 19th century and through most of the 20th century. During those many years the Society lived by, “The purpose of the Bersaglieri Society is to love justice, protect the weak, to assist the unfortunate, to comfort the weary, to promote the welfare of its members, and above all, to uphold the laws and usage of our society.”
By the late 1990’s the Society faced cultural and legal changes as well as different needs in its membership. These changes resulted in a redefining of the primary function of the organization from a benevolent society to a charitable society while preserving the original values.
Today our primary purposes are; preserving and promoting Italian heritage, supporting and promoting education through scholarships, and other groups in the local community. We are dedicated to community involvement with the purpose of modeling examples of good citizenship in support of the preservation of Italian language, culture, customs and history.